Neurorehabilitation Unit

NEURORHB is Vithas’ neurorehabilitation service. It is concerned with caring for and treating patients who have suffered brain damage or other neurological diseases.
With more than 20 years of experience, the aim of our unit is to meet the need for neurorehabilitation in a comprehensive, personalised and multidisciplinary manner, combining professional care with the latest advances in the scientific and technical field.
The unit is composed of a highly trained team of internationally renowned professionals, making it a leading centre in specialised neurorehabilitation.
NEURORHB offers comprehensive rehabilitation to people with brain damage, both adults and children, outpatients and inpatients, with adapted single rooms.
Most frequent conditions
- Cranio-encephalic injuries (traffic accidents, occupational accidents, assaults, etc.)
- Strokes: cerebral infarctions and haemorrhages (aneurysms, vascular malformations, etc.)
- Cerebral anoxia (cardiorespiratory arrest, drowning, etc.)
- Brain tumours
- Encephalitis and other infectious diseases of the central nervous system
- Neurodegenerative diseases (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, etc.)
- Spinal cord injury
- Multidisciplinary team
Currently, NEURORHB has an expert multidisciplinary team in the field of neurorehabilitation, from various areas such as:
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Neurology
- Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Orthoprosthesis
- Speech Therapy
- Social Work
The implementation of new technologies and the most innovative concepts within neurorehabilitation, in addition to its research and scientific mission, place this service at the cutting-edge of the health sector.
Main Treatments
Assessment and Medical Consultation Programme
Documented evaluation and assessment by unit professionals based on the medical circumstance of each patient.
Neuro-orthopaedic Alterations and Musculoskeletal Treatment Programme
Includes an assessment using specific techniques such as botulinum toxin, intrathecal test, placing and refilling baclofen infusion pump, treating periarticular calcifications, rigidities, subluxations, myofascial syndrome, neuropathic pain, as well as conventional physiotherapeutic training and in robotic systems, etc.
Cognitive Behavioural Programme
Includes clinical and pharmacological management and supervision of major cognitive difficulties (memory, attention, and behavioural and personality problems (apathy, irritability, disinhibition, etc.).
Family Training and Care Programme
Includes information and advice on social assistance, as well as individual and group training and therapeutic sessions for patients and family members.
Assessment and Advisory Programme in Technical Aids and Adjustment of Orthopaedic Aids
Includes personal and environmental functional assessment, as well as training in basic skills (dressing, grooming, hygiene, etc.) and instrumental activities of daily living (using transport, money management, etc.).
Includes biomechanical and postural analysis for the design, elaboration and individual adjustment of orthoses.
Dysphagia Diagnosis and Treatment Programme
Includes otorhinolaryngological and speech and language assessment through fibrescopy, videofluoroscopy, dietary and food adaptation, etc.
Minimally Conscious State Programmes
Includes clinical and neurological assessment and pharmacology of minimally conscious states, multisensory stimulation, physiotherapy and postural measurements, etc.
Medical-legal Appraisal
Includes the preparation of expert reports and legal guidance.