Mother and Baby Unit

At the Vithas Mother and Baby Unit we know how important the birth of a baby is for our patients. That’s why our main aim is to offer comprehensive and close care, not only during childbirth but also before and after.
We offer care ranging from conception and fertility treatments, to paediatric care, control and monitoring of pregnancy and childbirth.
The unit is made up of an extensive team of gynaecologists, paediatricians, nurses, midwives and specialised physiotherapists, all of which follow common protocols and unique guidelines. The unit is organised in different subunits, allowing us to deliver superspecialised care in each area.
We have delivery/dilation rooms, specialised obstetrics and gynaecology operating theatres, an emergency clinic, foetal monitoring, lactation rooms and isolation cubicles.
In addition, we have an advanced diagnostic testing service that performs three- and four-dimensional gynaecological ultrasounds for the early detection of gynaecological alterations, particularly for certain types of cancer like ovarian cancer, a fundamental exploration within gynaecology.
Our team of practitioners continuously monitors patients, delivering close, friendly care, and are always available to resolve any concerns.
Areas of specialisation and sub-units
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Our mission is to provide comprehensive care to women going through pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium physiology, pathological pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium and gynaecological patients, including those with oncological conditions.
Obstetric-Gynaecological Nursing (Midwives)
Our midwives will accompany you at all stages of pregnancy, providing you with the right recommendations for a healthy pregnancy.
Main services
• Monitoring the status and condition of the foetus.
• Constant monitoring of the baby’s vital signs and conditions during childbirth.
• Designing personalised health plans for each patient.
• Explaining the steps of the procedure.
• Postpartum care.
• Cutting the umbilical cord and washing the baby after delivery.
• Newborn check-ups.
• Postpartum care.
• Immediate breastfeeding support in the first 24 hours.
Maternal Education Unit
The aim of the psycho-prophylactic preparation courses for motherhood is to encourage couples to get actively involved, providing women with the resources to experience motherhood consciously and integrate the experience of giving birth into the harmonious development of their personality.
It consists of two cycles: Pre and Postpartum, which involve theoretical classes on topics related to childbirth and the first months of the child’s life and practical training classes.
Assisted Human Reproduction Unit
The Assisted Human Reproduction Unit treats infertility in couples, both female and male, using assisted reproduction techniques that make it possible for couples or people who cannot have children naturally to reproduce.
In this unit we study and treat both alterations of the reproductive function in couples, as well as personal situations in which it is necessary to resort to reproductive treatments to achieve pregnancy, such as shared motherhood or single-parent families.