Vithas Pontevedra Medical Centre

Vithas Pontevedra Medical Centre
Vithas Pontevedra Medical Centre

Vithas Pontevedra Medical Centre

Vithas Pontevedra Medical Centre offers 700 square metres of fully renovated space, equipped with modern, safe facilities that have been adapted to our patients’ needs. In total, it has nine consulting rooms, 9 physiotherapy rooms, a fitness studio, an endoscopy room, as well as state-of-the-art medical equipment and an extensive range of services. The medical equipment includes the latest-generation of laparoscopy towers, an electric scalpel, an audiometric booth, a fibrescope and a microscope with camera and light.

Located at 68 Avenida de Eduardo Pondal, the centre also has healthcare professionals with extensive experience and recognition providing a wide range of services, backed by the support of the nearby large Vithas hospital.

Vithas’ medical centre in Pontevedra also has highly specialised units — some of which were the first of their kind in the city — such as the Obesity Unit, Breast Unit, Vertigo Unit, etc., to offer patients a comprehensive service.

Vithas Pontevedra Medical Centre is a multi-speciality centre of reference in the city of Pontevedra. After several decades as a centre dedicated to physiotherapy, it was transformed and now offers patients more than twenty medical-care specialities.

Technological equipment

  • Virtual Reality​ Technology (VRT)
  • Magnet therapy
  • Cannon laser
  • Pentax EPKi7010 laparoscopy tower
  • Audiometric booth
  • Optomcv P030 fibrescope
  • OPC-C12 microscope with camera and Strobolux light 3.

In numbers

external consultations

Our services

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a Vithas Pontevedra Medical Centre

Vithas Pontevedra Medical Centre

Vithas Pontevedra Medical Centre

Avenida Eduardo Pondal 68